Friday 23 May 2014

Final render of submitted work

Here is my final renders of the Low, Normal mapped and High poly models in one file ready for my submission.

Low, Normal and High poly Models.
I haven't added any special lighting or effects to this render to show my models in their entirety, to show the work that I have put into this project. On a side note I have made the high poly more detailed with the geometry on the mask, shoulders and chest purely to show the detail that could potentially cover the whole suit, again if time was no object.  Ideally I know a lot of these details would be added using texturing but I wanted to zone in and focus my work on the baking side and leave out the texturing, so the high poly count is mostly due to this, and this aspect isn't as focused to the industry standard but I wanted to test mine and the abilities of normal maps as well as having a good high quality piece to show at our end of year show.

Final Render of High poly model
 Here is my final render of my high poly model using a simple Clay render in Max that gives it a really nice finish and brings out the lights and shadows of the geometry. This wouldn't work as well on the lower poly models as clay renders affect the geometry more so than the normal maps.

I followed this simple tutorial to achieve the clay render look above

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