Thursday 20 February 2014

Work Update / Presentation Feedback / Poly Count Research

Hello all,

It has been a while since I have posted and that is due to prioritising my time on my other modules as they were due to be handed in. Now they are handed in I am going to be devoting a lot more of my time to this project.

I have been recently looking up the poly count for main character poly counts as I was unsure on how low.high detail i should make my first model in Max to adhere to industry standards.

Through this site I found the answer to my questions. I am going to make my model around 50000 polys or slightly more as I am only doing a bust, as according to this site this is the rough industry standard for main character models. After this I will then be exporting into Mudbox and applying more detail and creating my Normal map from this model.

Also since my last post I have been working on my Model in Max and I also presented my work to my tutors.The general feedback I received from them was that my model is on track and my plans look achievable which I am very happy about. Following my presentation I have now added these following things onto my research to do list, from my tutors and class mates as I have been informed that these could help me greatly :

-Ocular Occlusion
- How I plan to unwrap the UVW's

I will be posting a comparison of my first attempt and my current attempt at modelling Iron Man soon when I have got my low poly to a standard I am happy with.



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