Thursday 20 February 2014


This post is just to show the progress I have made since my Presentation until now. As I mentioned earlier I have been focusing the majority of my time on my other modules as the submission where before this submission.

I have focused mainly on improving from where I left off and neatened and tidied the geometry and shape of the chest.

I Know it doesn't look like I have done that much to it but it is a lot trickier than it looks. I want to make sure that the shape I make is correct as I go along so I don't have to go back and make corrections. This is why I have been using turbosmooth throughout to check how the geometry looks and flows.

I am now at a difficult pat of the suit where the schematic I'm following doesn't cover the part I'm modelling (Under the arm pit). As well as this I am also at the point where I am moving from the front of the model to the back and I need to ensure that I match the front and back perfectly, as well as not editing both sides at the same time. That is another reason why it looks like less work has been done as I was accidentally moving the front of the model out of place when I was modelling the back and had to delete it and start from the beginning again.

This is just a small update, hope you like it

Work Update / Presentation Feedback / Poly Count Research

Hello all,

It has been a while since I have posted and that is due to prioritising my time on my other modules as they were due to be handed in. Now they are handed in I am going to be devoting a lot more of my time to this project.

I have been recently looking up the poly count for main character poly counts as I was unsure on how low.high detail i should make my first model in Max to adhere to industry standards.

Through this site I found the answer to my questions. I am going to make my model around 50000 polys or slightly more as I am only doing a bust, as according to this site this is the rough industry standard for main character models. After this I will then be exporting into Mudbox and applying more detail and creating my Normal map from this model.

Also since my last post I have been working on my Model in Max and I also presented my work to my tutors.The general feedback I received from them was that my model is on track and my plans look achievable which I am very happy about. Following my presentation I have now added these following things onto my research to do list, from my tutors and class mates as I have been informed that these could help me greatly :

-Ocular Occlusion
- How I plan to unwrap the UVW's

I will be posting a comparison of my first attempt and my current attempt at modelling Iron Man soon when I have got my low poly to a standard I am happy with.

